

If you are changing addresses, renovating your residence, moving items into/out of storage, or simply in need of some help moving large things, we provide assistance within 100 miles of Trenton, Georgia.


If you buy a large item such as a washing machine/dryer, refrigerator, sectional sofa, 12-seat table, or bird fountain from a retail store or an online posting within 25 miles of Chattanooga, we can provide our own box truck with pickup and delivery service.


Our appliance and furniture delivery crews arrive in a box truck and in uniform with the hand tools, power tools, dollies/hand-trucks and load straps required to deliver and install.

Our labor assistance crews arrive in a cargo van and in uniform with floor protection, door jamb protection, dollies/hand-trucks, shoulder straps, hand tools, tape, and plastic wrap.

Moving blankets are for sale if you are leaving the area. Due to the fact that we only sell our well-used (but still perfectly functional) pads, it would be difficult to find the same size and quality at a lower price than what we offer.


If you are already in contact with us or if you need a more immediate response, call or text us at the number below.

Call Us

+1 (423)280-0677

Labor Service Request

Let us know how we can help you!

Time entered will be reflected in the quote, though further details are likely required to accurately assess the amount of time it will take to complete the task.
If you are 60 minutes or more from Trenton, GA we prefer an early start time of 10:00AM(EST).
We will drive 100 miles or 2 hours from Trenton, GA.

Experienced in Relocation

With a combined 20+ years in moving and logistics, we have eyes and minds to ensure the safe handling and transportation of your life’s collection.

Our Goal

Moving to a new house is often stressful. Ending your previous lease or mortgage and securing the new one, researching schools and employment, leaving behind friends and family, and imagining yourself in a new place can all be mentally exhausting.

We aim to relieve the stress that comes with wondering how well your possessions will fare on that trip and how they will fit into your new residence. The work and the worry are not yours alone and we handle both with ease and confidence.